How to build our simulator:
How to use our model surgical technique:
Anterior Column Fixation
Posterior Column Fixation
Posterior Pelvic Ring Fixation
LC2 Pelvic Fixation
How to quantify your performance:
Step 1
Familiarize yourself with surgical technique of the 7 different wire placements and required fluoroscopic views
Step 2
Access an operating room with a radiolucent table and fluoroscopic machine and place your simulator supine on the table. Arm yourself with a power drill and a wire of your choice (we recommend a non-threaded 2.7 guide wire. You will need an assistant to help you get the appropriate views and keep track of your performance.
Step 3
For each of the 7 wire types (anterior column antegrade and retrograde, posterior column antegrade and retrograde, supra-acetabular (LC2), sacro-iliac and trans sacral trans iliac wire) you will monitor:
Length of wire in the safe bony corridor in percent of the maximal possible length (see figure 1)
Number of cortical breaches (times that the wire penetrated the cortex outside of the safe bony corridor)
Number of redirections (number of times the wire had to be pulled out of the model to redirect its trajectory
Total number of radiation exposure in mGy
Time in minute and seconds that it took to place the wore successfully (for a failed wire mark 15)
Time in minute and seconds that it took to place the wore successfully (for a failed wire mark 15)